The Process
Today, I'm starting out on my own journey...well, a 16 hour car ride. But I decided to look into that as a quote of the day. Also, I think it's a good theme for the first official post. After all, this is about inspiration and then accomplishing your dreams.
There are actually two, but they're pretty similar.
“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” ~Don Williams Jr.
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become."~Zig Ziglar (This one is actually on my wall.)These quotes are pretty self explanatory. But I never really thought about life, journeys, and goals the way these quotes mention. When we form a goal or set off on a journey, we focus on the ending. We focus on what life is going to be like once we accomplish this goal. We never really think about how it'll change us. We're never really excited for the process. And how often do we reflect when it's over and think "Hey, that was a great experience. It really changed me and I benefited."? Not often enough. But Don Williams Jr. and Zig Ziglar already had that figured out. And I think if we keep this in mind, we won't dread the journey as much. We should realize that the process is going to help us, that the process is even more important than our final destination. In a way, it's about "the big picture." Yeah, where we end is great, but what else do we have, what else are we at the end of that journey? Maybe that's the more important aspect of accomplishments.
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