Keep Fighting

It's been about two weeks since my last post. And in that time I've even considered giving up on this blog. But that battle, along with a very special two year old, gave me a great topic for a new post...
But let's back up a bit. Now who is this two year old? I have a baby cousin who was born without a left ventricle. In her two and half years of life, she's been in a hospital more times than myself and many other people I know. She's had multiple open heart surgeries. But recently, she's had to be hooked up to an oxygen tank (pure oxygen, in order to loosen up her arteries, etc.). So imagine if you will, a 25 foot tube attached to a four foot tall oxygen tank on one end, and a very energetic toddler on the other. This tube would be seen as a restraint in most situations. But not this one. She runs around like any other kid her age, argues with her older sister, asks about anything and everything. We never heard her complain about the tubes, or try to pull them off. But every now and then, after she'd run around and through multiple rooms we'd hear her call out "I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" Someone would walk her through a path to untangle the tubes, and then she'd pick up right where she left off.
When someone sees this little girl, it's impossible to tell she's different from any other. She doesn't let her health dominate her actions or personality. She's two but she still keeps fighting on. In the week I was with her, this little two and a half year old became a role model for me.

I think this is one of the fundamental rules of "following your dreams." There are always going to be people and things in your way, trying to stop you, discourage you. But you can't let that get to you. Because this one thing doesn't involve anyone else, it's about you. So ignore everyone else and keep fighting through.

Your Challenge: If your having a conversation with someone, telling them what you'll be up to in the next year, and they begin to doubt you, they say "Oh wow how can you handle that?" or flat out "Wow you're screwed." say no. Whether it's out loud or to yourself, form the thought that no, it's not too much, you can do it, you can work through it and win.

P.S.--I've felt like my blog posts are too long, thus a shorter one. But I'm not sure how long "short entries" will last... Lemme know if the length really affects whether you'd read the post or not!


  1. I read them anyway, but I do have to say the shorter ones (especially with a message like this that make you tear up and have strength) are good on add days. But take as long as you need to get your point across. We'll suck it up and read.
    I love you, thank you for blogging again. Raz, Jenny, Sara, whatever name you want, I needed this. Thank you so much for being both an amazing person and a perfect friend. :)


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